Something to think about

It is clearly a crazy time, both in the markets and politically, around the globe. The markets are befuddled by the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike, slipping equity prices and oil sliding lower daily. If that weren’t enough to keep people up at night, the increased threat of terrorism and the lack of leadership in Washington is causing many to scratch their heads, wondering what the heck is going on. Add to it that Carolina is undefeated, and everybody is thinking that the gods must be crazy. Well, I’m sorry to report that I don’t have any real answers. I am just as befuddled as everyone else. The only year-end advice I can deliver is to dig in and carry on. It’s all we can do during these troubling and confusing times. If history has taught us anything it is that normalcy, whatever that is, will return. When it does, we all need to be ready.

So with that, I leave you with two thoughts: The first is to enjoy the rest of 2015; the second is prepare for 2016. Meanwhile, settle in with a hot toddy or some rum-infused eggnog, enjoy a few days with your friends and family, and watch the ball drop.

The blog will return in early January with its standard wit and wisdom. In the meantime, all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!