It seems like everywhere you go there is a policy. A policy about how to return things, a policy about additional fees, a policy about toys on the beach, a policy about where to park, a policy about where to sit in the park, a policy about this and a policy about that. The policy police have taken over and are now adding rules upon rules to many of the simple everyday pleasures that we’ve always taken for granted.
The policy problem, as I think of it, has swept the nation and I don’t like it one bit. This is on top of the additional charges that many corporations have come up with over the last few years: fuel surcharges, mail charges, minimum balance fees, cancellation fees, and all the others that have become the norm in the consumer society in which we live and spend.
Well, guess what, I have my own policy: not to pay attention to other people’s policies and fight fees and surcharges whenever they are levied. I am sick and tired of the response to anything that I question: “I am sorry, sir, that is our policy.”
It seems that the world at large has decided to give in to the rigidness of policies and no longer has any interest in flexibility. I enjoy flexibility. Flexibility makes the world a more enjoyable place to live in; rigidness just does not work for me. Am I alone here? I can’t believe other people aren’t also sick and tired of this mistreatment.
What burns me up even more is that when I complain about one of these injustices, I usually get a pass–or at least a credit for the additional fee. What this tells me is that the company is pulling a fast one, as my dad would say, refunding the money only for those who complain those who raise a stink. It’s a numbers game for them. Some bean counter somewhere has crunched the data and determined that a small number of people will complain loudly enough to get a refund while most will shut up and pay, as the company pockets the additional revenue. Well, stand up and be counted. Don’t let them punish your pocketbook with their policies!
On another note, we are gearing up for the new season ofHEDGEAnswers. The 2011-2012 Conference Call Series kicks off September 14. To learn more about this unique program that educates people about how to launch and grow a hedge fund business, click here. Register today to get in on the discussion.
Enjoy the heat and drink lots of fluids!