Plastic from the ocean to your feet

Plastic from the ocean to your feet
Adidas has joined forces with Parley for the Oceans to produce their first concept shoe made from reclaimed materials from the ocean.

Hosted by the United Nations, on June 29 Adidas celebrated its partnership with the organization Parley for the Oceans and showcased the result of their collaboration: footwear made partially from waste materials salvaged from the seas.

The ‘upper’ section of the sneakers are made from reclaimed and recycled yarns and filaments, retrieved from ocean waste and illegal nets by the Sea Shepherd after 110 days spent at sea tracking an illegal poaching vessel.

The collaboration between Adidas and Parley for the Oceans does not stop there. It is part of an ongoing project to develop consumer-ready products designed to increase public awareness about climate change and the environment.

rp AFP-relaxnews