My Thoughts on September 11, 2009

This is a solemn weekend for many, as people around the globe take part in ceremonies that commemorate the events of September 11, 2001.

The wicked, heinous, cowardly terrorist attacks seem to have left virtually no thinking person in the United States untouched. And while the wounds of those lost may never mend and the holes in many lives remain empty, out of the sadness and grief, we have all found a way to survive. Eight years later, I am not sure if we are better or worse off then we were on the morning of September 12 in our understanding or ability to deal with terrorists but we have moved on, the markets have continued to function and commerce has returned, albeit, slowly to downtown Manhattan. It appears that one day in the not-too-distant future a new World Trade Center will grace the skyline of the Big Apple.

So what, where, is the outrage at the terrorist groups, where is the outrage at the people who still want to push us into the sea and where is the outrage at the fact we seem to care more about the rights of terrorists then the rights of the American People?

I just don’t get it.

How can our leaders be so blind, how can they be so misguided and how can they not see the writing on the wall that the only way to win is to bring the fight to the terrorists and not let the terrorists set one foot on American soil? Does this not make sense? Is it foolhardy or just plain out there? I don’t think so. I think that it makes sense. I am not for erecting borders that keep people out of this country; we are after all a nation of immigrants. I am, however, for keeping criminals and those who show no value whatsoever for life out at all costs. I know it is not as simple and easy as I think it is, but I think it should be a priority of this President and this Congress. It is their job to protect us and letting terrorists onto our shores is not a good idea.

There is a reason people fight through the desert, the oceans and the borders to get into the United States: Rightly or wrongly they believe it is the Promised Land. The land where they can build a better life for the family, get access to jobs, education and medical care. We should demand that our leaders protect this dream and keep it alive for both those in and outside our borders.