You cannot make this stuff up…

Last week the election, this week the news that the mayor thinks Congressis dumb, next week who knows… You can’t make this stuff up. You can read the comments by Mayor Bloomberg here.

One thing is for sure, at next week’s, HEDGEAnswers Launch Series Conference Call on Wednesday, the 17th at 10 am – we will be talking about marketing, the new Congress and what it all means for those looking to launch, growth and maintain a successful hedge fund business. Register today by clicking here.

The questions are coming in from those already registered and marketing and new rules surrounding regulation seem to be on everyone’s mind. The conversation will be fast and furious. Get in on the discussion, register today!


I went to a post-election pow-wow by a leading law firm in New York on Thursday. The firm brought in two of its D.C. experts – one from both sides of the aisle. The initial information was interesting – no finger pointing – just good clean information about what went wrong for the Democratsand what the Republicans need to do with their new found power. I was enjoying myself, until one of the panelists decided to check his blackberry. Once he did it, the other panelist did as well. I got up and left at that point. I figured if both of the panelist – there were only two mind you – decided to check their blackberry’ s well I guess I did not give them any more of my attention or time. Note to speakers, panelist and people in general – it is rude to check your blackberry during a presentation or conversation.