Who Cares about Madoff?

This just in – Bernie Madoffknew who what when during his thievery. Yawn.

The last few days the media have been having a field day covering Madoff’s revelations as told to The New York Times reporter Diana Henriques. Her story, which consisted of material from an interview and email exchange with the master manipulator for a book she’s writing, shed no new light on the story, except that Madoff seems to be still laughing about his success. Ms. Henriques seems to have learned a thing or two from the master manipulator – her story, which appeared on the front page ofThe New York Times this week and was picked up by news outlets around the globe, all mentioned her new book. Talk about great publicity!

How can anyone believe anything Madoff says? The guy is a perfect liar – if he told me the sky was blue I’d have to go outside and check to make sure it actually was true. It’s a shame that he continues to get front-page coverage. The New York Times and other media outlets are simply being played by the master – pawns in his ongoing chess game – or maybe trying to help Ms. Henriques sell some books. It is enough already…

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