What a bunch of nonsense…

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Twofer Tuesdays, Wacky Wednesdays and Thirsty Thursdays. What a bunch of nonsense!

Things are in a sorry state when the lead story on the news is how much more crap was sold this year than last and how buying stuff is going to stave off the double-dip recession, increase employment and fix all that ails the economy. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing that the only thing we can do to fix the economy is to spend money. Buy this or buy that and through this unselfish act the world will be a better place. I say baloney…

We need to get people back to work. We need to retrain workers, prepare students and get people thinking about putting in a day’s work to provide for their families. Just buying stuff is not going to get the job done. Education, retraining and commitment to job growth are the only things that will get this country moving again. Buying stuff is just throwing good money after bad and putting off the inevitable.

HEDGEAnswers’ next Launch Session Call is December 7 at 10 a.m. The call has been rescheduled from November because of a death in the family. There is still plenty of time to get in on the discussion. Click Here to register. The call is going to be chock full of information on how to launch and grow a successful fund. Don’t delay register today!