To Link In, or Not to Link In – This Is Part Two

First, I apologize for not writing over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been preoccupied with finishing the Second Edition of The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management. I handed in the book today, so now I have plenty of time to resume my blogging activities. Also, I apologize for the last post being one about Star Jones. Okay, now that I have completed the pleasantries, on to business: They say that if you live long enough, you’ll experience everything. Well, a week ago, it happened.

I got a very simple, not elegant, email from someone I went to college with. I knew the person, not well; I don’t think I spoke with her more than once or twice in the four years I was at Clark. Nonetheless, she emailed me about a business opportunity. Being the curious person I am, I emailed her back and told her to give me a call. What a mistake. It turns out that she’s an unhappy schoolteacher who has decided to get into reselling electricity. According to her, it is a great opportunity and if I had thirty minutes she could come by the house and explain how I too could get in on this ground-floor opportunity.

Needless to say, I passed. Do I need to say more about Linking In or not? I don’t think so.

The good news:

We are about to launch the new HEDGEAnswers portal. After many years of thought, comments and hard work, we’re just a few weeks away from going live. If you’re interested in being part of the beta of the new site, please contact me.

The next HEDGEAnswers Conference Call is scheduled for November 16 at 10 a.m. The recent news coming out of the SEC and the current state of the economy are sure to make the discussion fast, furious and informative. Register today by clicking here.


Duane Reade is really a terrible place to shop. The staff is rude, the products are overpriced and unless you’re interested in baked goods, lipstick and cat litter, I suggest you find another pharmacy. There seems to be an arrogance among the staff that frankly I don’t understand. What happened to the good old Mom and Pop drug stores? If you’re in the city and need a pharmacy, I suggest finding an alternative.