The shoe continues to drop…

Insider trading is all the rage, or at least most of the news, in the hedge fund industry these days. More than a year into this mess, the flames of the scandal continue to burn bright. Regardless of what happens with asset flows, performance or new fund launches, all people seem to care about is the indictments, the pleas and the hearings about who knew what when and whether it was right or wrong for them to pass on the information. Read the latest story here.

And while the scandal continues, the hedge fund industry continues to thrive. New funds are starting, assets are coming in and performance for many strategies seems to be strong.

How to launch a successful fund is the topic of next week’sHEDGEAnswers Conference Call. Now that Dodd-Frank is the law of the land, the SEC seems to have some muscle and investors are looking for investment products that zig when the markets zag, hedge funds are once again the darling of Wall Street. Getting a fund up and running is a lot of work – click here to register for our call to get in on the discussion about how to do it.


Nothing to report this week. Stay tuned, this won’t last…