The problem with technology!

I apologize for not writing in the last few months. I have no one to blame but myself, even though I have a lot to say. The problem is that I just don’t know how to say it. That being said, here goes:

Over the next few months, you will notice a significant change in the tone and content of this blog. From now on, I am going to write solely about things that drive me crazy. This could be things in the political arena, locally, nationally and internationally, or it could be things on Wall Street, in hedge funds, mutual funds, markets and interest rates. Most likely, though, it will be things that really irk me day to day.

The reason for this post’s title is because, well, folks, I have a problem with technology. I am sick and tired of people being more tuned into their phones than they are into the world around them. Recently I was in Hale and Hearty at Third Avenue and 43rd waiting in the salad line, when I observed the atrocious behavior of a woman ordering her salad while texting and listening to something on her phone. The woman had the audacity to criticize the chef because she put too much dressing on the salad. The customer, it seems, did not hear the chef ask about the dressing. The customer stormed off in a huff leaving the salad. So, because she was texting and listening, this customer wasted the time of the chef, the time of all the people in line — including yours truly — and wasted the food. Hope the text was meaningful.

We need to stop this madness. Texting, talking and e-mailing has gotten out of the control. The evil genie is out of the bottle. There is more to life than interacting by entering a few characters on a tiny screen. Stop the madness put down the phone…

On a separate note, we had the first HEDGEAnswers last week. Stay tuned; the next one is in November. Don’t delay, click here to register today to get in on the discussion.