The Luster Is Not Lost…

Is the bloom off hedge fund manager John Paulson or should I say the shine? If you read recent reports about Paulson and his gold fund in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, one would think the sky is falling and his mine has run dry. It seems that Mr. Paulson has had a hard time raising money for his gold fund and people are wondering why. Here is my thought on this so-called news – it is nothing. Mr. Paulson clearly has what it takes to make money by zigging when the markets are zagging and vice versus. His skill and conviction in his strategy and abilities are to be envied by investors and managers alike. We would be all be better off if we possesed these traits and used them in our portfolios. Many investors are afraid to zig when the markets zag and as such it does not surprise me that they are not willing to go with the gold.

Understanding how money is managed and how to communicate with investors and potential investors are just some of the topics that we will be covering on the HEDGEAnswers Call next Tuesday at 10 am. To register click here and get in on the discussion.