The future is bright…

As the summer winds down with the economy in tatters, it seems that people are asking how much longer can we deal with what seems like one crisis, natural or manmade, after the other? The answer is lots. Our resolve is strong and our future is bright. I know this because I have seen it first-hand.

Recently, I began teaching a financial management course in the undergraduate program at Rutgers Business School. The class is full of smart, thoughtful, and interested students who seem to really care about learning. So far they want to work hard to get ahead and I think it is a sign of good things ahead. Granted, it has only been a week – but so far, so good.

Last night the Republicans vying for the top job in the United States squared off in one of many debates.

I watched a bit of it and was thankful for one thing – they did not act like children. Their answers, while not all that articulate and full of the standard fluff, seemed to be a bit thoughtful. Tonight the President will address a joint session of Congress to detail his plan for reviving the economy. Something needs to be done to bring jobs back home. Hopefully he will have some good ideas and not focus solely on blaming the other side of the aisle for all that is wrong with the economy.

HEDGEAnswers 2011-2012 Season kicks off on Wednesday at 10 a.m. The 2011-2012 Conference Call Series is sure to be packed with interesting conversation, witty commentary, and a lot of good advice and guidance for those looking to build, grow and expand business. Don’t miss one word – register today by clicking here and Get in on the Discussion!