The fall will probably kill ya

One of my favorite films is the Newman and Redford classic Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. It’s almost a perfect movie. One of my favorite scenes is when Sundance reveals that he doesn’t want to jump off the ledge because he can’t swim and Butch so eloquently says, “Why, you crazy — the fall’ll probably kill ya!” Spoiler alert, they jump and make it. Nobody drowns and nobody gets hung up on the rocks or brush.

This is a great analogy to what is happening at hedge fund trading desks amidst all this market volatility and uncertainty. I am sure it was a big surprise to no one that the Federal Reserve left rates alone this week; still, many are confused, even befuddled, I would suggest, by the violent swings in the oil and equity markets. The fall is killing us all, it seems. People are losing focus and acting as if the world is coming to an end. Well — spoiler alert — the world is not coming to an end. We’re all still here. So dear friends, the only thing to do right now is to stay focused and stick with what you know works. Don’t make rash decisions. Don’t hit the rocks or get caught in the trees, make it to the water and continue to swim. There is plenty of places to continue to explore.

Operations for Alternatives is next Monday and Tuesday. The event is going to be great. You can still sign up and get in on the discussion. Learn more by clicking here.

Other people’s bad breath. Man oh man, I am not sure what it is, but over the last week I have been hit with more than five but less than 11 people who just had the worst breath on the planet. I mean, it could peel paint. Is it too much to ask people to pay attention to this little, albeit quite important, piece of personal hygiene? I don’t think so. For those of you who stink, and you know who you are – eat a breath mint or two. Really, give us all a break.