The big news in the hedge fund industry is…

Gold! That’s right folks all that glitters on the minds of hedge fund managers’ is goldaccording to a recent piece of news on the “Wizards of Wall Street”. Click here to read. Yesterday it was funding lawsuits, today it is gold, and tomorrow maybe it will be General Motors?

Hedge fund managers, who know what they are doing, those who hedge and do not simply expensive mutual funds – know how to do one thing well and that is how to make money. The strategies might not always be juicy. The strategies may not always be favorable to many but all that matters is that it works. Investor get returns, managers earn fees and all is right with the world!

The problem is that when someone makes money – someone on the other side of the trade loses. No one likes to be a loser and thus the flack that the industry seems to get day in and day out. Regardless of the media and political attacks – hedge funds are here to stay. That is something you can bet on!

Understanding how money is managed and the future of the industry are just two of the topics we will be covering during tomorrow’s HEDGEAnswers Launch Session Conference Calland HEDGEAnswers Strategy Session Conference call. Click here to register and get in on the discussion!