Taxation without representation?

It seems like the only solution that any of these so-called leaders — whether they be in Washington or in State Houses across the country — seem to have to our financial situation is higher taxes. Across the nation, the answer is the same: Increase taxes after taxes after taxes to get rid of the financial havoc that has taken hold of our economy and gripped our country.

Is it me or is this just plain silly? All of us – I believe that I am speaking for the masses — are trying to make better lives for ourselves, our families and our communities, and yet the government on every level is hell-bent on not allowing us this basic right.

Taxing our way to prosperity is not a solution; it’s a means to a terrible end. From the governors’ offices and state legislatures to the White House and Congress, our leaders seem to be making one terrible mistake after another with our money. They’re wasting our time with their hearings that describe their great, sophisticated plans to solve the economy on the local, state and federal level. Their plans are ludicrous, their ideas are terrible and essentially they’re just robbing Peter to pay Paul. The Madoff Ponzi scheme has nothing on these guys. Some day, probably in the not-too-distant future, someone will write the story of the largest fraud ever and it will be about what our government did to its own people. Our leaders are clueless, their solutions are baseless and as far as we’re concerned, educated, thoughtful people need to demand more.

It’s time to get fiscally responsible, it’s time to cut programs, it’s time to get up and demand answers. We the people need once and for all to demand that our leaders actually lead and provide us with some services other than merely expanding the bureaucracy for their own benefit. It’s easy to say “I want to raise the sales tax, I want to do away with property tax rebates and “Only the government has solutions to what ails our nation”. Blame someone else is the name of the game.

The reality is that our leaders need to start making hard choices. They need to start acting like fiscally responsible adults with some higher aim than perpetuating their own existence.

The people of this country who work hard should be awarded for their actions. They shouldn’t be taxed into obscurity. Maybe the government should simply spend less.

What a concept!

It works well across the nation at homes of all shapes and sizes. Why don’t they try it in Washington, Boston, Sacramento, Trenton and Albany? These leaders say they feel our pain and are here to help. Well, how much help are they providing by increasing taxes and reducing our take-home pay?

I am not a scholar of our Revolution, but I believe that this is taxation without representation. We can no longer simply stand idly by and wait for the government to act responsibly; we have seen that this impossible. I believe that our misguided government is setting us on a course for bankruptcy.

Until there is true fiscal responsibility and structure to budgets at all levels of government, this country will never get back on its feet. If President Obama wants to set a real agenda for the future of America, it won’t just be focused on clean energy; it will be focused on teaching people to spend not only wisely, but effectively. It’s time to stop this nonsense, it’s time to get real, it’s time to deal with issues head on and it’s time to stop taxing the people for things they simply do not want, need and, frankly, can do without.

I find it absolutely funny that people send me press releases. It seems that a number of people who work in various public relations departments at money managers and service providers believe that I have an interest in their “news” and that it will make it onto this blog. Is it me or are they simply not reading the blog? Just for the record, I don’t read, want or use press releases.