Some news you can use…

Take a look at the stories below. Each provide a glimpse of what is happening right now in the hedge fund industry both in the US and abroad.

Hedge Funds post big gains in September: According to Bloomberg, hedge funds had one hell of a September as benchmark for U.S. equities posted very good numbers. Read the story here.

Paulson’s Fund is Glittering: According to Reuter’s John Paulson’s flagship fund has reversed its losses and put up strong numbers and now is firmly in the black. Read the story here.

No Exodus planned for UK-based Hedge Funds: The Journal reports that “senior figures” in the United Kingdom’s hedge fund industry have said that masses of people and with them significant tax revenue will not be leaving anytime soon. Read the story here.

Hedge fund fraudsters’ teddy bears on block: The collection of prized Teddy bears by confessed hedge fund fraudster Paul Greenwood will hit the auction block. Read the story here.

Credit Suisse buys stake in York Capital: In a move to expand product offerings for existing and future funds, Credit Suisse took a stake the $14 billion in assets under management firm. Read the story here.