Saddam’s ass on the block

Saddam’s ass on the block

While dictatorial regimes should not exist, the sad fact is that there are several of such regimes currently thriving across the world. Without going into the politics of the matter, this article is merely focuses on the ass of Saddam Hussein hitting the auction block.

As most will recall, after the fall of the regime in Iraq , the huge bronze statue of Saddam was toppled. At the time, a thriving ex-SAS soldier, Nigel Ely chipped off the dictators ass and brought it back with him to the UK.

It took Nigel a crowbar and a sledgehammer to liberate the half ass. He initially wanted a small souvenir which would fit in his pocket but ended up with a 2 feet sized square — somehow he managed to bluff his way with the piece back to the UK despite Iraqi authorities as well as border control (who were told it is armor).

Given that the statue, which will remain enshrined in history as a landmark event when it toppled, has long since been melted, it is expected that this is the last surviving piece and shall sell for at least £10,000/$15,728.

via The Rich Times