Recline to showerThe high-end fixture firm Donbracht has developed the horizontal shower to alter your shower experience — ideal for those that do not like to be immersed in water, like with a bath, and too lazy to stand.

According to the home decorating trends magazine Trendir, there are six water bars that run the length of the shower block. Each bar is equipped with jets that can be remotely controlled by a panel on the block. You can choose from a series of settings for different shower effects, such as equilibrating, energizing or de-stressing. Each of the options has a specific water temperatures and pressures that vary to achieve the desired effects. Additionally the block that you recline on can be heated.

Trendir highlights that more info can be found at however at the time of this post there was no further information or pricing.

But you can watch their transforming water videos and check out the renowned upright shower RainSky E.