Let the battle of the skies begin

Let the battle of the skies begin

Virgin Airlines hopes to soar above top airline companies like Emirates with enhanced in-flight entertainment. The launch of its new ‘Red’ system is slated for release in late 2012, the entertainment system features a larger, high-definition touchscreen seatback monitors, four times more entertainment content, and full Wi-Fi connectivity that allows passengers to connect their own devices to the system. Abby Lunardini, VP of corporate communications for Virgin America describes the system:

Red is still the most advanced entertainment system in the domestic skies. Other airlines are not making an investment in in-seat entertainment; they’re just doing Wi-Fi. Fleet Wi-Fi will always be a focus for us, but our built-in entertainment system is still important, and we think we can offer the best of both worlds.

Plans to include applications for easy Facebook, Twitter and other social network access are under consideration and back-end testing of the system will start on #nerdbird, Virgin America’s Twitter hashtag-named Airbus A320.

via Virgin America, PSFK

via PSFK: http://www.psfk.com/2011/09/virgin-america-enhances-their-in-flight-entertainment-system.html#ixzz1Y1CycONo