Last night’s victory by the Republican Party is the direct result of voter frustration. The people are frustrated with the tax and spend ways of theDemocrats and believe that by bringing two-party rule to the district – some semblance of order will be restored across the land. People believe that a Republican lead Congress will bring level headedness to spending, taxing and fixing what’s broken inWashington. You don’t need this blog to tell you what happened last night – there is more then enough news coverage to go around. However, one thing that is not being covered so thoroughly is how Congress going to fix all that ails the United States. How are they going to work with thePresident to get the economy moving again? It seems that everyone is content right now with pointing fingers at each other and not saying what can actually be done to fix our problems. It is clear what we need: We need more jobs. We need to cut spending. We need to reign in government waste and we need to reduce taxes! But it does not seem like the Republicans or the Democrats have any of the answers.
I predict that even with a new Congress – will get more of the same – finger pointing, blaming the other guy and nothing getting done. I hope I am wrong.
Many, included myself predict that with a new Congress; will come changes to the Dodd-Frank legislation. I am not sure how it will shake out – or how changes to the law will effect the hedge fund industry. But, I am sure that we will be talking about it on the HEDGEAnswers call November 17th. To register and get in on the discussion click here.
HEDGEAnswers is the only place to ask questions and get answers about how to launch, grow, and maintain a successful hedge fund business. Join me and experts from Bingham McCutchen, J.H.Cohn, and HBM Fund Services – get in on the discussion – register today!
The fees. Simply put I am sick and tired of the additional fees that keep popping up on almost everything I choose to spend money on these days. Companies have decided to fee us to death and it makes me absolutely, positively crazy. I am sick and tired of fees for this and fees for that. How about a thank you for choosing to spending my money with you instead of charging me for the privilege?