Its Monday therefore we are…

Mondays always begin with something. Today we have the Chrysler Group / Cerberus Capital Management deal which to me is another situation where the private equity and hedge fund managers have figured out a way to take advantage of poor management, scared unions and weak sales and turn it into something profitable. Mark my words, three to five years from now if not sooner, the new Chrysler will go public and Cerberus and its investors will laugh all the way to the bank.

Over the weekend I got yet another question about how to go about finding a job. I am thinking of going into the headhunting business! But seriously, the question to me was where does a 20 year hedge fund industry veteran look for a job? The answer is as follows – in two parts: First, use your network, get the message out that you are looking for work, talk to as many people as possible and make sure they know you are looking for a new opportunity. You need to market yourself – get the word out to the masses Second, you need to go to the websites and check with the headhunters. Over the last few years as the hedge fund industry has grown, a number of websites focused on financial services jobs have added hedge fund sections. Two that are good are: and Also, Albourne Village has a great listing of jobs both here and in Europe. If you don’t want to go the website route there are a few headhunters I know that focus on hedge funds including Barry Emen at MJE Recruiters Inc.: [email protected] and Carol Coleman at Coleman & Company LLC: [email protected] both do a good job and seem to have their fingers on the pulse of the job market at the bigger more institutional shops.

It might sound like a cliché but you need to make finding a job a full time job.

Until the next time.