Donald Trump’s stunning victory has sent shock-waves around the world, roiled the global financial markets and left many asking how, why — and really?
The reality is that the reality television star tapped into something that the mainstream politicians missed or were afraid to address. People of all shapes, sizes, races, creeds and color are angry. They are mad as hell with the establishment and they aren’t going to take it anymore.
It’s scary and sad that both the Democrats and Republicans missed this and that only Mr. Trump and his advisors picked up on it, exploited it and rode it to victory. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Podesta failed to understand the electorate and got lost in a horrific way. And while there will be countless material published on the election in the days, weeks, months and years ahead, it’s simple merchandising: When you don’t listen to what your customers are saying, you aren’t going to make the sale, regardless of how good your product.
I am not sure what the Trump victory means for the hedge fund market, Wall Street or investors. Perhaps regulations will be relaxed, perhaps commerce will flow more freely or perhaps nothing will happen at all. One thing is for sure – the GOP, lead by Mr. Trump, is firmly in control of Washington, so if they don’t get anything done, they have no one to blame but themselves.
I am pleased to tell you that regardless of the Trump victory and the Clinton defeat, Operations for Alternatives is coming back to Miami February 27-28 at the beautiful Fontainebleau. Once again, the right people, will be in the right place at the right time to learn from each other about how to implement efficiency and operational best practices at fund managers. To learn more about this event and to register, click here.
Things that drive me crazy
It is clear by the election results that people are angry and frustrated with how things are going in America today. What is clearer still is the frustration of today’s airline passengers. People are angry on airplanes, have little or no respect for flight attendants and are just plain rude to their fellow passengers.
Recently I was on a flight from Fort Lauderdale to New York and witnessed a complete breakdown in civility. I was in row five on the aisle and the person behind me in row six got up to leave, sort of cutting in front of me and the other folks in row five while we gathered our things.
Well, the person, across from me, also in the aisle, would not have this. He held out his arm, and blocked the passenger from moving. He then proceeded to berate the man about courtesy and respect while grabbing his things and blocking the rest of us from disembarking. He truly was offended by the actions of the passenger behind him and made sure everyone, whether they they wanted to or not, heard what he had to say.
It was silly, stupid and downright ridiculous. People need to take it easy.