Insider trading hits the hedge fund industry… again

It is really sad that the hedge fundindustry has been once again hit by news of insider trading. Click here to read a story.

However, these sorts of charges and investigations have become common place in the hedge fund industry and all around Wall Street in the wake of the Madoff scandal and credit crisis. It seems that every day another scandal of sorts hits the Street. Hedge funds for some reason seem to always be caught in the web of these nefarious acts. I for one, am sick and tired of this sort of news.

If it is true, those at fault should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If it is not true, those who brought the erroneous charges should be charged with prosecutorial misconduct. Either way, however, the hedge fund industry has been dealt another blow.

Insider trading scandals and regulation are two of the topics that will be covered on the HEDGEAnswers Launch Sessioncall Wednesday at 10 am. Register by clicking here and get in on the discussion!