Get off the dime.

Getting off the dime is the most important piece of any successful business launch. Pulling the trigger is the hardest thing for even the bravest of entrepreneurs. And it is hard, agonizingly hard, but it’s what separates those who do from those who don’t. Over the last ten years, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many people around the globe who have and have not been able to pull the trigger, both in the hedge fund world and beyond. The ones afraid of pulling the trigger I call the “I’m gonnas”: “I’m gonna launch a fund,” “I’m gonna raise assets,” “I really am gonna quit my job and go out on my own…”

This is a disease. It is something that people who are serious about going out on their own or starting a business, hedge fund or otherwise, need to get over or else, well, they’re destined never to do anything. Sometimes you just need to take the plunge — jump in and see if you can swim — while making sure you don’t sink. Getting going is key. To quote Nike: Just do it.

As I wrote a few weeks ago, I believe now that the Dodd-Frank bill has been signed into law, its regulations put in place, and many of the questions about the actions of Congress and the President toward the hedge fund industry answered, the industry is poised for growth. I expect new fund starts to grow considerably in the next six to twelve months, even more if the Republicans take control of the House. The reason is that those who manage hedge funds, for the most part, are those who get things done. And while many of us expect additional regulation, the table is set and it is time to feed.

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a growth spurt, because it is coming. Investors want investments that zig when the market zags and managers now know for the most part what rules they have to operate under. No more excuses. Get going.

New fund launches, increasing assets under management and understanding how money is truly managed is what we talk about during our HEDGEAnswers Conference Call Series. The series kicks off in two weeks’ time: HEDGEAnswers — the Launch Sessions and our new program the Strategy Sessions. Learn about these great programs

Our programs educate, inform and provide answers to those looking to launch, grow and understand how money is managed. Register today. You’ll enjoy it.


While usually I use this space to rant and rave about something that is bothering me, this week, I’ll do the opposite. I am happy to report about a positive experience that occurred over the weekend at Morton’s in Hackensack, N.J. My wife and I went there for dinner on Saturday night; it was quite nice, good food, good service and a good time.

There was a brief hiccup when we first got there. Had it not be cleared up — well let’s just say this post would have been different! An assistant manager named Steve — no last names – stepped in, took care of the problem and went on to make sure everything else was excellent from that point on. It just goes to show you that you do get what you pay for!

It is clear that customer service is an important part ofMorton’s company policy, a policy many companies could learn from.