Get into the discussion about Regulation, Fees and The Future: Get on the HedgeAnswers Call Tuesday

The Wall Street Journal and other significant and not so significant media outlets are reporting that hedge funds and those who work at them are going to face significant issues and struggles in the weeks and months ahead even with great returns this year. Read the story that appeared on today. It seems that regardless of good performance and a rebound from last year’s losses, most have not hit their high water marks and will not be earning incentive fees this year. If this was not bad enough, the powers-that-be have aimed their guns at the hedge fund industry and people seem to be getting worried that the rules could be changing significantly as the House and Senate get down to business.

Regulation, fees and the future of the industry are just some of the topics we will be talking about on the HedgeAnswers Call Tuesday.

I hope you will join us and become part of the discussion. Register by clicking here.