The best thing about being involved in the hedge fund industry is that there is always something to talk about or discuss. There is never a dull moment. The print and broadcast media seems to be constantly filled with stories about the evil that these men and women do.
Every day there is another story about a hedge fund causing some sort of havoc in the market or about how a hedge fund manager is doing something that is wrong or shall I say perceived to be wrong. Last week’s topic du jour was John Paulson’s inability to raise money for his gold fund and theU.K.’s worry about the European Union’s pending hedge fund regulation. It is to early to tell what is going to hit the papers this week. (Read the recent posts)
One thing is for sure – Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. whenHEDGEAnswers kicks off its February conference call the discussion will be fast, be furious and be informative. Pending regulation will be covered; launching a fund will be covered. Raising assets will be covered along with everything in between. The experts will be on the line answering questions in the unique forum that is HEDGEAnswers.
Get in on the discussion. Register today by clicking here.
This is the second to last call in the 2009-2010 series; you don’t want to miss it.