Explore the tourist-free White DesertIf you are seeking an adventure instead of a traditional commercial tourist destination for your next holiday but do not want to skimp on the 5-star experience, consider exploring Antarctica’s White Desert.

Mantis, the World’s Leading Polar Expedition Operator for White Desert, has created a hi-end way to explore the unexplored.

First they will fly you into the interior of Antarctica in a 5-hour flight across the Southern Ocean from Cape Town in South Africa to their beautifully designed ecological campsite.

You can choose your own adventure which may include an 8 days safari exploring the last great wilderness (gentle treks thru the ice waves, visit the Emperor Penguins, ice climbing…).

Mantis’ management team has skied over 16,000 km in the polar regions and is well versed in the terrain of this amazing continent. The accommodation is comprised of frameless structures that use composite panels slotted together thus combining the structure of a building with the mobility of a tent. Six of the seven pods are luxury heated ensuite bedrooms that include two single beds a wash area, toilet and desk. The company has even provided a separate tent with full shower and toilet facilities, according to the blog LuxuryLaunches.

Jenna Viney, Cape Town’s renowned chef, prepares delicious fresh food three times a day, including seafood barbecued steaks, full breakfast spreads and light lunches. Evenings are spent relaxed time sipping on Champagne while soaking in incredible information about the continent.

See what you can expect. Past visitors have described it as “being on another planet” and an experience like no other. For more information and pricing, contact Mantis directly.

National Geographic also offers an expedition to Antarctica by boat with acclaimed staff photographer Mark Thiessen that explores the peninsula and surrounding islands. The trips range between USD 11K-22K.