Cashing in on FacebookA bevy of newly minted billionaires and millionaires are expected to emerge since Facebook’s IPO filing.

It is a given that the 1,000 workers at FB are all to become instant millionaires and those that were instrumental in the creation of FB are already billionaires (Zuckerberg, Moskovitz, Parker, Saverin…).

However Bono of U2 via his VC firm, Elevation Partners, bought 1% of Facebook in 2009 for $90 million, according to The Telegraph. And, if “Facebook is eventually valued at $100 billion… that will make Bono’s one per cent worth a cool billion.”

Although the best story so far is California graffiti artist David Choe who forfeited immediate payment of a few thousdand dollars for his FB HQ murals in exchange for stock options. Those options when FB is listed on NASDAQ or NYSE will reportedly be worth $200 million.

Leading the FB IPO is Morgan Stanley with sale support from Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays Plc and Bank of America Corp.

See a breakdown of who owns what of FB