Capitalism 1 – The President and Congress O

The recent news that the so-called Financial Reform Bill is out of committee and ready for a vote once the replacement for late Senator Robert Byrd is sworn in – has allowed Wall Street, Hedge Fund Managers and Capitalist everywhere to breathe a massive sigh of relief.

For those of you who have been living under a rock or maybe wrapped up in the dozen or so other massive issues facing the country and the world and have not been paying attention to President Obama and Congress’ work to rid the world of the free markets and capitalism, well enough said. The bill is the result of their collective work to fix all that is wrong with the world. And while I am sure the bill has some good parts and fixes things that need fixing, the reason Wall Street, hedge fund managers and Capitalists are smiling is because passage of the bill and the President’s signature mean that they can get back to work.

You see what President Obama, Congress and frankly anyone outside of the Street fails to realize is that the people who roam the mythical place called Wall Street are experts at adapting to situations. They are capable of dissecting the law and figuring out ways to work within in it to meet or exceed their business and economic needs. However, if they don’t have the law – or the rules of the game – well then they can’t play. So now that the bill seems to be finalized, they are able to get back to work. Their jobs are to figure it out, dissect it and determine how to operate within it. Simply put this is how free markets work and what Capitalism is about it.

Sorry for the short post but heck, it is hot out and the above ground bunker on the third floor is sweltering – more to come next week!

One last thing, check out the new and improvedHEDGEAnswers website. It looks great and seems to be working well. A few Gremlins here and there that we are working on fixing. Thanks as always for your support of the programs. This year we have our Launch Sessions and something new call the Strategy Sessions. You can learn more and register here.

Stay cool, drink lots of fluids and have fun.

Things that Drive me Crazy

Is it me or are the only advertisers on television these days, companies that are faced with serious problems (BP, Toyota, the new GM) and the drug companies. The other night, I was told how to deal with practically ever symptom or disease, how committed BP was to cleaning up the mess in the Gulf, the millions of dollars Toyota is spending handle its past and present recalls and why I should buy a car from the Government. What I needed was a commercial for Alka Seltzer!