Burger of the future costs $338,000 nowAccoridng to Wired magazine, a vascular biologist at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands Mark Post is about to cconcoct the world’s first lab-burger.

“The first one will be a proof of concept, just to show it’s possible”, Post told Reuters. “I believe I can do this in the coming year”.

What Post will be doing exactly is growing slaughterhouse stem cells in a “feed made of sugars, amino acids, lipids and minerals.” Sound yummy? Well the initial burger will cost about USD338,000/EUR 250,000/GBP215,000 and look more like a scallop.

Perhaps you are wondering why one should reach for this science experiment. It is thought that in time this burger-of-the-future will become a healthier alternative for the planet and even those ingesting it, as extra nutrients can be added and fats removed; or you could just become a vegetarian.