
Bernie is still pulling our chain

Do I sound angry? Do I seem mad? Are my words sometimes too tough to handle? Everyone who comments on the blog says that I’m an angry young man. Well, I don’t mean to be. I’m just a guy trying to tell you like it is. I apologize for the

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A Brand New Day?

Do you feel refreshed? Are you excited for the New Year? Do you feel like it’s a brand new day? Well, guess what – it’s not “Morning again in America.” Don’t be fooled. Just because the calendar has changed, things are still screwed up. But enough of what you already

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The least wonderful time of the year…

I really don’t like this time of year. The end of the year is annoying to me. I don’t like seeing, reading or listening to all the year-end stories in the media. I find it silly when people over the age of 10 say “See you next year” – when

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Time should be spent well…

The end of the year is near and while this isn’t my final blog post, I will tell you right now that I am happy 2008 is coming to a close. It has been tough. No matter how you look at it, 2008 is one for the ages and I

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No Monday Morning Quarterbacking…

They say if you live long enough you’ll see almost everything. Well, I’ve only lived 37 years and a few months and can say not only that I don’t like what I’ve seen this year, but that the events of the past week have made me scared even to open

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The real mea culpa that Wall Street — and Washington — needs

Recently someone who fancies herself one of the founding mothers of the hedge fund industry offered her thoughts on what has recently befallen her industry. The upshot? It was someone else’s fault. Specifically, she said, that managers are taking advantage of investors by using gates and side pockets, and by

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So what now?

What are we going to do now? Before we answer that question, we have to answer another one: What the hell is going on? I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while, but the volatility, the gyrations, and the United States’ rapid descent into socialism has had me distracted. The

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What’s ailing Wall Street?

Over the past week, lots of people have called and emailed me to ask what’s causing the crisis in the markets. It’s simple: Arrogance. Arrogance is what has brought extremely powerful Wall Street firms to their knees, wiped out billions of dollars in assets, and lost thousands of people their

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HedgeAnswers chooses McCain for President!

At recent events in Chicago and Philadelphia, participants in HedgeAnswers 2008 chose John McCain over Barak Obama for President. All participants voted in a mock election with the results overwhemingly going to the McCain-Palin ticket. Voters cast their ballots in secret and while not completely scientific, it was clearly done

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Stay Alert…

It is a very interesting time to be working on Wall Street. History is being made almost daily and all of us are witnessing it first hand. Buckle up, the ride is about to get wild and it is not going to stop anytime soon. We are entering uncharted territory.

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Blame the cocktail parties and managers!

I know it’s a cliché, but I’m going to write it anyway: I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. I really just don’t know what else to say about what’s going on with hedge fund performance this year. The third quarter of 2008 is quickly

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It’s their job to get it right!

Last week’s blog on how badly the mainstream press tends to cover hedge funds drew some intense commentary – both criticism and praise. One exchange completely illustrates for me what’s wrong with that the press that covers the hedge fund industry for at least one national financial daily newspaper. After

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Get out of my face…

As all of you loyal readers know, I don’t think much of how the media covers hedge funds. It’s rare, if ever, that I think hedge fund stories are — to quote the Fox News slogan — fair and balanced. Sometimes, though, I’m pleasantly surprised to read a story by

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It is the numbers – stupid!

Everyday it seems another hedge fund is going out of business or in trouble.The volatility of 2008 is taking its toll on many funds both large and small. It is very strange. New funds cannot seem to get off the ground and some well-known established funds are closing their doors.

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A Bit of a Bump and Bruise

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so: Things are bad, and they may get worse before they get better. You don’t need to read this blog to learn that jobs are being lost, prices of everything from a carton of milk to a gallon

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I Am Back!!!

The blog is back. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, the blog is back. I have taken a little bit of a hiatus over the last few months because I have been sharpening my pencils, testing my rulers, fingering my keyboard and really working

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Where Is The Outrage?

Where is the outrage? Words aren’t able to describe the nonsense that is going on at some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Late last month, according to this article on Bloomberg News. The fine men and women on the board of directors of Citigroup, after digesting a

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Gary Cooper?

“What ever happened to Gary Cooper?” is a theme carried throughout The Sopranos – a question that Tony keeps asking as observes the men he is surrounded by. Lately, I have been asking myself a similar question as I survey the hedge fund landscape. I don’t know what happens after

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A Pep Talk of Sorts…

It’s the first full trading week of the New Year and, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for you to do something in the market. Start making trades, start finding ideas and start making money for your investors and yourself. Over the last few weeks, I have been hearing a

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I have heard it all…

They say that if you live long enough you’ll see everything. Well, I’m only 36 years old and frankly, my friends, I believe I’ve seen, or better yet, heard it all. Recently on the way to work I was listening to Boomer and Carton, the replacement players for this old-time

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Staying below the fold…

First of all I need to say I’m sorry for not writing for a few weeks. Business activities have just been a bit out of control. It is not that I have nothing to say; quite the contrary, it is that I have been speaking, attending, viewing and participating in

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There is such a thing as a free lunch…

It’s almost impossible in the city these days not to get a free lunch, and breakfast and dinner, too. Come on, you say, you gotta be kidding. We all learned from the great Milton Freedman that you can’t get something for nothing. Well, when you’re in New York or another

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Would you prefer a pump or a sling back?

Over the last week, the questions about how to get started in hedge funds have come from all over the world, Europe, the United States and even Peru! Most get right to the point and deal with picking service providers and the like. Still, it seems that the tone and

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Blame the hedge funds – everyone else does!

It is the worst of times in much of the hedge fund industry right now. Once again, hedge fund managers are being blamed for the evils that have caused economic havoc from Wall Street to Main Street. On a daily basis, the popular press is littered with articles about why

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The summer is over and the party has just begun…

Over the last few weeks, unless you were stranded on a desert island, you couldn’t have missed the ocean of news about the hedge fund industry. It hasn’t been great; nor has it been pretty and, frankly, some of it has been a bit weird. Particularly weird is the continuing

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The good, the bad and the ugly…

The hedge fund industry has been battered by the popular press for the last few weeks. The meltdown of the sub-prime mortgage industry has been blamed on two things — lax credit standards and of course hedge funds. Many funds have taken it on the chin and losses are mounting

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Hedge Fund Explosion?

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the hedge fund industry is about to heat up. That’s right you heard it here first – the hedge fund industry is about to explode-in a positive way. “Explode” that is in the number of new funds that will launch in the marketplace. Therefore,

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Batten down the hatches…

The seas are swelling and getting rough. Over the last few weeks we’ve heard quite a bit about hedge funds blowing up and performance tanking. Frankly, it does not seem to be letting up anytime soon. The news is quite bleak and I know that you are not turning to

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