
Get off the dime.

Getting off the dime is the most important piece of any successful business launch. Pulling the trigger is the hardest thing for even the bravest of entrepreneurs. And it is hard, agonizingly hard, but it’s what separates those who do from those who don’t. Over the last ten years, I’ve

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Hedge funds are here to stay…

Happy days are here again: The hedge fund industry is here to stay. Reports of its demise have been highly over-reported. Hang on tight, because before we all know it, many new funds will be starting as investor demand increases. I predict that 2011 – is going to be the

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Hedge Funds 1 – New York State 0

Finally, the hedge fund industry has won, one! The recent news that New York- Governor Paterson (D) isdropping the tax proposal on hedge fund managers who work in the Empire State but live elsewhere is welcome news to the industry. The Governor in his infinite wisdom seems to have decided

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Volatility here, volatility there, but no profits anywhere…

The extended volatility in the markets has caused hedge fundmanagers around the globe to post losses, to buy treasuries and, in some cases, to put out the “gone fishing” sign. It would appear that many of these so-called “Wizards of Wall Street” just can’t figure out how to make money

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Capitalism 1 – The President and Congress O

The recent news that the so-called Financial Reform Bill is out of committee and ready for a vote once the replacement for late Senator Robert Byrd is sworn in – has allowed Wall Street, Hedge Fund Managers and Capitalist everywhere to breathe a massive sigh of relief. For those of

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The Transparency Myth…

“Order, order, order” is the cry coming out of the European Parliament meetings in recent days. The Europeans, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that by imposing a transparency standard on hedge fund managers, all will be right in the world. A panel of EU lawmakers earlier this week approved

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When in doubt spend, spend, spend…

The European Central Bank took a play from the Federal Reserve early this morning in approving a massive bailout of the “weak” economies of Europe. The move intended to “defend the Euro at all costs” was a shot heard round the world as markets rallied on the news. READ HERE

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It is all about the M&M’s…

Don’t be fooled by the recent “good news” about jobs that is coming out Washington. The information is skewed, confused and just plain rude; the reality is that the economy is not growing, people are not getting jobs and many people are still struggling. And while the headlines last week

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Not Down Or Out

Hedge funds have been in the news more than ever in the last few weeks and I think the coverage has been fascinating. When news of the crisis in Greece broke, the articles about career-making trades by hedge fund managers shorting the Euro were page 1, column A. Just a

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Not down or out…

Hedge funds have been in the news more than ever in the last few weeks and I think the coverage has been fascinating. When news of the crisis in Greece broke, the articles about career-making trades by hedge fund managers shorting the Euro were page 1, column A. Just a

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Money here, money there, but not a drop to spend…

One year after the economic stimulus act took effect, the economy is still a shambles and people are hurting. And while President Obama and the rest of the muckety-mucks in Washington spent a good part of the week patting themselves on the back for a job well done, the reality

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The Lords Have Spoken…

The House of Lords believes that proposed regulation by the European Union threatens the stability of the financial markets, according to a recent report by Reuters. The lawmakers think that in order for regulation to work, it needs to be uniformed and signed off on by the powers that be

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Wall Street To Democrats – Drop Dead!

It seems that Wall Street and the financial services sector has had enough of the Obama Administration and Congress and as such have closed their wallets to the party. The Republicans, never one group that has had a problem saying no to money, has turned its fund raising efforts toward

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The Luster Is Not Lost…

Is the bloom off hedge fund manager John Paulson or should I say the shine? If you read recent reports about Paulson and his gold fund in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, one would think the sky is falling and his mine has run dry. It

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The Lords have spoken…

The House of Lords believes that proposed regulation by the European Union threatens the stability of the financial markets, according to a recent report by Reuters. The lawmakers think that in order for regulation to work, it needs to be uniformed and signed off on by the powers that be

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The luster is not lost…

Is the bloom off hedge fund manager John Paulson or should I say the shine? If you read recent reports about Paulson and his gold fund in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, one would think the sky is falling and his mine has run dry. It

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Wall Street to Democrats – Drop Dead!

It seems that Wall Street and the financial services sector has had enough of the Obama Administration and Congress and as such have closed their wallets to the party. The Republicans, never one group that has had a problem saying no to money, has turned its fund raising efforts toward

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I hate to say it but, I told you so…

It seems that the popular press has started to get the story right about why President Obama and Paul Volcker are good for hedge funds. Take a look at this post on a WSJ blog this morning. Sound familiar? The truth is the President and Washington have so much on

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Transparency does not equal liquidity…

The recent news that Calpers is demanding more transparency from its money managers is sure to spark at trend with not only pension plans but all institutional investors around the world. If it is good enough for them, well, it should be good enough for all – right? Wrong! Transparency

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They just don’t seem to get it….

The Dems don’t get it. And it’s becoming more and more apparent on a daily basis. The new legislation introduced by two of their senators, Barbara Boxer of California and Jim Webb of Virginia, has had me singing the great Ramones’ tune “Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La).” What keeps running

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Hedge Funds Will Thrive Under President Obama’s Plan

In the wake of the loss of a super-majority in the Senate, President Obama sent shockwaves through Wall Street with his proposals for bringing order to what he and his advisors believe is chaos. The President and his senior economic team, which includes everyone’s favorite former Federal Reserve Chairman, are

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GAME OVER? – SEC to hire hedge fund folks.

Hedge fund managers are losing staff to the SEC according to a recent report detailing hiring trends in the industry.CLICK HERE TO READ It seems that the SEC is trying to make a number of areas stronger with talent that has understanding and experience about how the Street works. Is

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It is the lack of regulation, not information…

It’s eleven days into 2010 and already the stories about the evils of the hedge fund industry are hitting the news sites. I have one thing to say to all the reporters who continue to write this stuff – Thank you. Without your stories, I’m not sure that I’d have

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