A Pep Talk of Sorts…

It’s the first full trading week of the New Year and, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for you to do something in the market. Start making trades, start finding ideas and start making money for your investors and yourself. Over the last few weeks, I have been hearing a lot managers and would-be mangers crying in their beers about the fact that 2007 was a tough year. Well, guess what? The year is over and it is time start anew.

One of the most beautiful things about being in the money management business is that come January 1 the slate is wiped clean, you start fresh and the past is truly behind you. That being said, it’s time for hedge fund managers to get up and start making money. It is what you should thinking about and acting on right now. You’ve got to look for opportunities, find them and then exploit the hell out of them. The bottom line is that it is time to shake the cobwebs off, stand up, be proud, stick your chest out and get out there and make some money.

I get calls and e-mail all asking the same question: How do we get started? How do we do this? How do we do that? The answer is simple: Just do it. Find a prime broker, hire a lawyer, retain an accountant and get the machine moving. Get started already. Investors are in search of managers to put their money to work. Unless you get started you won’t get access to any capital whatsoever.

Remember the following five items for the New Year and beyond:

Investors are looking for performance.
Investors are looking for consistent performance
Investors are looking for consistent management strategies.
Investors are looking for managers who implement simple, self-contained, money management strategies that are easy to understand, that are easy to get their arms around and that they know will perform regardless of market conditions
All of the above is why you are paid one percent and twenty!

If investors wanted mediocrity they’d buy an index fund or they’d buy a long-only mutual fund. Investors are paying for your brain, they’re paying for your brawn and most important they’re paying for your ability to make them money. So, here’s what I’m telling you: Get out there and make money. Find opportunities. There are always opportunities in the marketplace. It is your job to find them. Get out there and do it.

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